[CogSci] Call for audience participation May 13–14: New Horizons in Language Science: Large Language Models, Language Structure, and the Cognitive and Neural Basis of Language

Roger Levy rplevy at mit.edu
Thu May 9 17:08:51 PDT 2024

We are delighted to announce the National Science Foundation-sponsored and -hosted workshop New Horizons in Language Science: Large Language Models, Language Structure, and the Cognitive and Neural Basis of Language <https://newhorizonsinlanguagescience.github.io/>, featuring talks, commentaries, and panel discussions from leading researchers spanning cognitive science, linguistics, computer science, and neuroscience, this coming Monday and Tuesday May 13 and 14. The workshop runs 9am–5pm Monday May 13 and 9am–2:45pm Tuesday May 14, and will be webcasted live as a Zoom webinar. Online webinar participants will have the opportunity to pose questions and discuss with each other, informing a subsequent written report intended to help guide the future of research in language science.

Speakers, commentators, and discussants include:

Antonios Anastasopoulus <https://cs.gmu.edu/~antonis/author/antonios-anastasopoulos/> (George Mason University) 
David Bau <https://baulab.info/> (Northeastern University)
Gašper Beguš <https://gbegus.github.io/> (UC Berkeley)
Benjamin Bergen <https://pages.ucsd.edu/~bkbergen/> (UC San Diego)
Ryan Cotterell <https://rycolab.io/> (ETH Zürich)
Ishita Dasgupta <https://ishita-dg.github.io/> (DeepMind)
Kara Federmeier <https://cogandbrainlab.web.illinois.edu/> (University of Illinois)
Raquel Fernández <https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/r.fernandezrovira/> (University of Amsterdam)
Adele Goldberg <https://psychology.princeton.edu/people/adele-goldberg> (Princeton)
Ariel Goldstein <https://miriamhavin.wixsite.com/interactlab/blank-3> (Hebrew University)
Laura Gwilliams <https://lauragwilliams.github.io/> (Stanford University) 
Alex Huth <https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~huth/> (University of Texas at Austin)
Anna Ivanova <https://anna-ivanova.net/> (Georgia Tech)
Najoung Kim <https://najoung.kim/> (Boston University)
Roger Levy <https://www.mit.edu/~rplevy/> (MIT)
Tal Linzen <https://tallinzen.net/> (NYU)
Kyle Mahowald <https://mahowak.github.io/> (University of Texas at Austin)
Christopher Manning <https://nlp.stanford.edu/~manning/> (Stanford)
Tom McCoy <https://rtmccoy.com/> (Yale)
Anna Rogers <https://annargrs.github.io/> (IT University of Copenhagen)
Timothy Rogers <https://psych.wisc.edu/staff/rogers-timothy-t/> (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Leila Wehbe <https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~lwehbe/> (CMU)
Adina Williams <https://ai.meta.com/people/1396973444287406/adina-williams/> (Meta AI)
Jon Willits <http://languagestats.com/jonwillits/about.html> (University of Illinois)

Learn more about the workshop and register for the Zoom webinar at https://newhorizonsinlanguagescience.github.io/!

From the workshop organizers – Roger Levy (MIT), Kara Federmeier (UIUC), Christopher Manning (Stanford), and Benjamin Lipkin (MIT)

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