[CogSci] Curiosity Conference at IIT Gandhinagar: Call for posters

Shriya Naidu shriya.n at iitgn.ac.in
Tue May 2 03:24:10 PDT 2023

Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to announce that the Curiosity Lab
<https://www.curiositylab.iitgn.ac.in/> at IIT Gandhinagar
<https://iitgn.ac.in/> is organizing *Curiosity
<https://www.curiositylab.iitgn.ac.in/conference> Conference
<https://www.curiositylab.iitgn.ac.in/conference>* during August 12-13,
2023. The conference's primary objective is to bring synergy among
researchers, practitioners, and educators. Unlike the usual academic
conferences, we have conceptualized this conference as an interactive and
inclusive space for individuals excited about curiosity, research, and
practice and its importance in driving innovation and progress across
various fields.

The Curiosity Lab is dedicated to promoting and advancing research in the
field of curiosity and its related areas. We are thrilled to provide a
platform for researchers from various fields to present their work through
posters at our upcoming Curiosity Conference. However, we also recognize
that curiosity-building efforts extend beyond the laboratory and academia.
As such, we also extend a warm invitation to practitioners and educators to
register for poster presentations. We have made special provisions to
ensure that individuals from non-academic backgrounds can also participate
and present their work. We believe that the inclusion of diverse
perspectives and experiences will enrich the discussions and inspire new
ideas about how to foster curiosity in our society.

*Poster submission deadline: 22 May 2023*

We look forward to your participation!

Please feel free to reach out to us at curiositylab at iitgn.ac.in in case of
any queries

The conference poster was designed by Argha Manna
Artist-in-Residence at IITGN.

[image: Curiosity Confernece.jpg]

Shriya Naidu <https://shriyanaidu95.wixsite.com/mysite>,
Senior Project Fellow
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar
VOIP: 2105
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