[CogSci] Two fully funded PhD fellowships at MPI for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University

Rowland, Caroline Caroline.Rowland at mpi.nl
Thu Dec 7 02:07:45 PST 2023

Dear all

Please find here details of two funded PhD fellowships, co-supervised by researchers at MPI for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands: https://www.mpi.nl/imprs-phd-fellowships-2024.  Application deadline: 8th January 2024

Note that there are 5 possible project listed (though only two students will ultimately be funded). The projects are:
1.       Child language acquisition in under-studied language(s)
2.       Surprise! Why do babies like infant-directed speech? An information theoretic approach

  1.  Deciphering the roles of rare genetic variants in developmental speech/language disorders

4.       Mapping language-relevant genetic effects on brain variability using normative modelling
5.       Genetic architecture of the human language network
Best wishes,
Dr. Caroline Rowland
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

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