[CogSci] AE Autumn Summit on Open Problems for AI. Kings X, London, Oct 23-24th.

Battleday, Ruairidh battleday at g.harvard.edu
Mon Sep 9 20:49:28 PDT 2024

AE Autumn Summit on Open Problems for AI. Kings X, London, Oct 23-24th.

What are the next set of challenges for AI algorithms? What are the open
problems in application?

Join the UK’s leading AI researchers, policy makers, and entrepreneurs in
this global summit:


This should be an exciting and productive event, and we expect 1000
participants at student, early stage, and full career levels.

Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday BMBCh (Oxon) PhD

Thinking About Thinking, Inc <https://thinkingaboutthinking.org>

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Brain Science,
Harvard University

Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines,
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