[CogSci] Invitation to participate in a study on scientific reasoning

Dubova, Marina Aleksandrovna mdubova at iu.edu
Thu Dec 7 12:57:11 PST 2023

Dear colleague,

We are conducting a study to explore how scientists, like yourself, learn about the world. We are inviting you to participate in the experiment.

Study Details

The study takes roughly 30 minutes, during which you will be exploring the functions of a fictional brain area by conducting scientific experiments. Your objective will be to learn the link between this neural area and behavioral outcomes.


18+ years old

Current PhD student or higher in Neuroscience or a similar field (including postdocs, junior & senior faculty, research scientists, etc)

Residing in the US


You will receive $10 reimbursement through Paypal, Venmo, or a gift card of your choice.

If you are interested in participating in the study, please email Marina Dubova at mdubova at iu.edu<mailto:mdubova at iu.edu> to sign up.

Thank you for considering participating in this study. Your participation could help shape our understanding of how scientists learn about the world and how this learning could be improved.


Marina Dubova and Robert Goldstone

Indiana University

Cognitive Science Program
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