[CogSci] 2021 International Wisdom Summit - epistemic humility, judgment, morality, & culture - OCT 11 - mark your calendars - please share with colleagues and students in your lab

Igor Grossmann igrossma at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 10 13:27:11 PDT 2021

Dear friends and colleagues,

I hope this message finds you well!

I would like to draw your attention for the free international scientific meeting on the topics of wisdom, epistemic humility, judgment, morality, and culture - the 2021 Wisdom Summit, to take place on October 11. https://wisdomsummit.uwaterloo.ca/

The summit includes flash talks for junior scholars to highlight diverse, cutting edge research from senior graduate students, post-docs and pre-tenure faculty (note we have two times devoted to people from different time zones - we can accommodate 12 flash talks in total).

To better prepare for the summit, we ask psychological scientists and other empirically-oriented scholars working on morality, ethics, and related themes to complete a 10 min survey to help us identify points of convergence and divergence on the questions about wisdom, morality, and culture, and share insights with the academics and the general public. https://uwaterloo.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ugtnS7392S2wZ0

More on the summit mission is below:
Consider the world we live in today. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have repeatedly debated freedom and economic interests versus protection of the most vulnerable among us. Natural and humanitarian disasters have forced us to reconsider the balance of short and long-term interests. And we are just at the onset of an infodemic, with an ever-increasing flow of information and misinformation.
For millennia, in times like these scholars have called for wisdom. And in the last few decades, scientists became interested in this topic, too. What do psychological scientists think about wisdom and how does it relate to morals, ethics and our cultural biases? We welcome you to discuss these questions in our 2021 Wisdom Summit. Like in the Task Force meeting two years ago (https://psyarxiv.com/w9ygc/), we start with a program-building survey to identify points of convergence and divergence, to share insights with the academics and the general public. Our summit will also include keynotes and discussions. So, please help us by starting with a survey and make sure to register for the live event on October 11.

With best wishes,


Igor Grossmann, Ph.D.
IgorGrossmann.com<https://igorgrossmann.com/> CV<https://grossmania.github.io/resume/>
Director, Wisdom and Culture Laboratory<https://uwaterloo.ca/wisdom-and-culture-lab/>
Associate Editor, Social Psychological and Personality Science
Co-host of the On Wisdom Podcast<http://onwisdompodcast.com/>

Associate Professor of Psychology
University of Waterloo, Canada


JOIN the 2021 International Wisdom Summit<https://wisdomsummit.uwaterloo.ca/>

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