[CogSci] Call for Editor-in-Chief Nominations: Computational Brain and Behavior

Joe Houpt joseph.houpt at utsa.edu
Fri Sep 6 06:31:02 PDT 2024

Editor-in-Chief Nomination, Computational Brain and Behavior
The Society for Mathematical Psychology (SMP) seeks nominations for the position of the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the journal Computational Brain and Behavior (CBB, https://link.springer.com/journal/42113). The new EIC will serve a 5-year term.  We expect the candidate to begin working with the current editor in January 2025 and assume the role of EIC in July 2025. Self-nominations are acceptable.

We are looking for the following qualities in an editor for CBB:

  *   The EIC should be known in the field of mathematical psychology.
  *   The EIC should have an established record of scholarship in mathematical psychology.
  *   The EIC should have editorial experience, for example, as an associate editor or editor.
  *   The ideal person would be scholarly, knowledgeable, and sensitive and open to new topics and developments in the field.
  *   The person must also be a good manager and be able to sustain the level of work required to produce the journal for a period of 5 years. That includes managing a budget, meeting deadlines, and filing reports.
  *   A successful EIC must exercise good judgment in selecting consulting editors and reviewers and be able to communicate effectively and sensitively with authors. Skills in conflict resolution are highly desirable.
  *   EICs are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards with respect to scientific publication.
Nomination should include a brief justification for the nomination, a curriculum vitae, and a statement from the nominated that they approve of the nomination. Nominations should include contact information for two to three references (including the nominator, if not a self-nomination).

After reviewing the initial nominations, a short list of candidates will be invited to submit a statement describing one’s vision for CBB.

Nominations should be submitted via this Qualtrics link: https://utsa.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6fkHEuPR1K0XqZg.
The deadline for nominations is September 30, 2024.

The Society for Mathematical Psychology (SMP) is committed to the highest standards of diversity, equity, inclusion, and the free expression of ideas in all aspects of our activities, including in this selection process. A search committee will evaluate candidates and make its recommendation to the SMP Executive Board for confirmation. For more information about JMP and the application process, prospective applicants are welcome to contact Joe Houpt (joseph.houpt at utsa.edu), chair of the search committee, or anyone on the committee (Jerome Busemeyer, Eddy Davelaar, Pernille Hemmer, Andrew Perfors, and Ex-Officio non-voting members Scott Brown, the current EIC,  and Tim Pleskac, current President of SMP).

Joseph W. Houpt
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at San Antonio

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