[CogSci] Postdoc Position in social-cognitive and moral development – Normativity Lab, University of Konstanz

Marco Schmidt marco.schmidt at uni-konstanz.de
Tue Jun 11 02:58:20 PDT 2024

The Normativity Lab (directed by Marco F. H. Schmidt) at the Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, invites applications for a Postdoc position (100% position or part-time, initially for 3 years with possibility for extension, salary scale “TV-L E13”) starting September 1st, 2024 or later. The University of Konstanz is one of eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany. Since 2007 it has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative and its follow-up program, the Excellence Strategy. 

To apply and to see the full job posting, please visit:

Deadline for applications is June 24th, 2024.

For questions, please contact Marco Schmidt (subject: “Postdoc Konstanz”) · marco.schmidt at uni-konstanz.de.

Prof. Dr. Marco F. H. Schmidt
University of Konstanz
Department of Psychology
Developmental Psychology – Normativity Lab
Postfach 905
78457 Konstanz, Germany
E-Mail: marco.schmidt at uni-konstanz.de
Web: https://www.psychologie.uni-konstanz.de/en/schmidt/

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