[CogSci] Postdoctoral Research Position in Numerical Cognition at UC San Diego

David Barner dbarner at ucsd.edu
Tue Mar 21 08:33:46 PDT 2023

*Postdoctoral Research Position in Numerical Cognition at UC San Diego
funded by NSF ManyNumbers Project*

Under the supervision of Dr. David Barner (dbarner at ucsd.edu) at University
of California, San Diego, the postdoctoral researcher will conduct
empirical research on numerical cognition. The position is funded by a 4
year NSF project, "Collaborative Research: A Multi-Lab Investigation
of the Conceptual
Foundations of Early Number Development" that will involve both
preplanned investigations of counting and set representation, but also the
opportunity to construct novel, exploratory, projects that involve a global
network of collaborators, via the ManyNumbers project. The postdoc will
have the opportunity to 1) interact with and learn from a large community
of top researchers in the field of numerical cognition and math education,
forming a valuable professional network, 2) become leaders in multi-lab
collaborations, preregistration, and open science, 3) develop advanced
quantitative and analytical skills, 4) explore fundamental questions about
human cognition, learning, and development, and 5) develop their own line
of independent research related to numerical cognition. Strengths in
computational methods will be considered an asset for this position.

UC San Diego  provides a vibrant intellectual environment to support the
postdoctoral scholars’ development and is an Equal Opportunity /
Affirmative Action employer. Interested applicants are expected to have
completed their Ph.D. during or before Fall, 2023. Full applications should
include a completed application form, cover letter describing your
interests and prior experiences, your c.v., and the contact information for
3 references. Review of applications will begin on *April 15, 2023*. Start
date is negotiable. Any questions about the positions and/or the
application process should be directed to Dr. Barner.

David Barner, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
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