[CogSci] [CfP] [Frontiers in Robotics and AI Research Topic] Perceiving, Generating, and Interpreting Affect in Human-Robot Interaction

Zhao Han zhaohan at usf.edu
Thu Jul 13 17:32:10 PDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We recently launched a research collection, Perceiving, Generating, and Interpreting Affect in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)<https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/57098/perceiving-generating-and-interpreting-affect-in-human-robot-interaction-hri>, in Frontiers in Robotics and AI<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/robotics-and-ai>, a high-impact journal in the field with a CiteScore of 4.6. We want this to be the most up-to-date and impactful collection of research on this topic, we would like to invite you to submit an article.

Research Topic Abstract

Over the past few years, there has been a growing presence of robots in our daily lives, leading to more frequent interactions between robots and humans, who possess emotions. Establishing and maintaining trust and mutual adaptation during such human-robot interactions (HRI) requires an affective approach to building a positive social relationship between human interactors and robots, as well as showcasing social-emotional competence. Affective HRI systems require a robot's social intelligence and relationship with humans to be designed in a way that influences the outcomes, such as acceptance of the robot's recommendations. Other social-emotional interaction strategies include a range of external human-like behaviors and internal capabilities, such as recognition of gestures, facial expressions, emotions, dimensions of affect, mental health, and personality traits.

This Research Topic aims to bring together interdisciplinary researchers from fields, including human-robot interaction, affective computing, emotion recognition, deep learning, and healthcare communities. Some key research questions that we would like to address include, but are not limited to:

  *   How to perceive unimodal or multimodal human behaviors and affects adaptively/accurately in HRI?

  *   How to efficiently generate natural and expressive robot behavior in HRI?

  *   How to advantageously facilitate individual user’s mental and physical well-being with affective HRI applications?

In collaboration with the workshop series on affective human-robot interaction (AHRI)<https://www.a-hri.me/> at the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), this Research Topic focuses on the social-emotional dimension of human-robot interaction and collaboration. We welcome workshop participants and external contributions alike. If you are submitting an extended version of your workshop papers, please include at least 30% new content.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  *   Affective and emotion-aware human-robot interaction

  *   Contextual factors in human-robot interaction and collaboration in-the-wild

  *   Graph Neural Networks for human behavior understanding

  *   Graph representation learning for human behavior understanding

  *   Theory of mind and imitation learning in empathic robots

  *   Multimodal emotion recognition in-the-wild

  *   Microexpression recognition and generation

  *   Robust affect and personality recognition

  *   Verbal/nonverbal emotional behavior generation for robots and intelligent agents

  *   Affection for human-robot trust and transparency

  *   Affective and social intelligence in healthcare and elderly care robot

  *   Artificial emotions in robots and intelligent agents

  *   Personalized and adaptive robots in longitudinal interaction

  *   Ethical considerations of affective systems and robotic applications

Important Dates

Submission is now open with the following deadlines:

  *   Abstract Submission Deadline (recommended but optional): 10 October 2023

  *   Manuscript Submission Deadline: 10 February 2024

Frontiers’ fast-track review process, led by my editorial team, means each article is published online as soon as it’s been successfully peer-reviewed and accepted (typically within 61 days).

Clarification on abstract submission: Your abstract should simply be a summary of the article you plan to submit. It does not need to be the same as the abstract you will include with your full article. The topic editors will review your abstract and provide feedback to take into account when writing your full article. Our authors generally find this feedback very useful. Your abstract will not be published externally and there is no associated fee.


Before submission, you can register your interest<https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/57098/perceiving-generating-and-interpreting-affect-in-human-robot-interaction-hri/participate-in-open-access-research-topic> in submitting an article. Abstract and manuscript submissions can be made anytime before the stated deadlines (Submit abstract<https://www.frontiersin.org/Submission/SubmissionHome.aspx?st=3&tid=57098&domainId=3&fieldId=72&specialtyId=1618&entityType=2&entityId=1438>; Submit manuscript<https://www.frontiersin.org/Submission/SubmissionHome.aspx?st=1&tid=57098&domainId=3&fieldId=72&specialtyId=1618&entityType=2&entityId=1438>). Before submitting, please review the author guidelines<https://www.frontiersin.org/guidelines/author-guidelines> for templates and more. A submission checklist<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/robotics-and-ai/for-authors/submission-checklist> is also available for authors.

Article Types: Consistent with the Frontiers in Robotics and AI journal, we accept a wide variety of articles to maximize your options for disseminating your work. With details available on the article types webpage<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/robotics-and-ai/for-authors/article-types>, here is the complete list: original research, systematic review, methods, review, mini review, policy and practice reviews, hypothesis and theory, perspective, case report, data report, brief research report, general commentary, opinion, registered report, technology and code articles.

Fees and Discounts: As an open access journal, publishing fees<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/robotics-and-ai/for-authors/publishing-fees> are applied to accepted articles. However, authors and institutions with insufficient funding will be eligible for discounts and need to apply through the fee support application form<https://frontiersin.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9YqUCmY73k4Gm0u>. Please feel free to contact journal.submissions at frontiersin.org<mailto:journal.submissions at frontiersin.org> to discuss fees, institutional waivers, and discounts.

I believe your insight will be a great addition to this topic, and I look forward to hearing more about your latest research.

Best regards,

Zhao Han, Colorado School of Mines → University of South Florida, United States

Adriana Tapus, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées, France

Siyang Song, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Leimin Tian, Monash University, Australia

Jingting Li, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China

Chuang Yu, University College London, United Kingdom

Meiying Qin, York University, Canada

Zhao Han
Assistant Professor (Aug), Computer Science
University of South Florida
Tampa campus, Tampa, FL 33620, USA
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