[CogSci] Special topic call - Advances in Metacognition and Reflection - Frontiers in Developmental Psychology

Igor Bascandziev igb078 at mail.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 19 06:33:29 PST 2023

Dear colleagues,

The co-editors -- Stephanie Carlson, Claudia Roebers, Loren Marulis, and
Igor Bascandziev --  invite you to consider submitting a paper to
a special issue in the journal Frontiers in Developmental Psychology. The
research topic of the special issue is: *Advances in Metacognition and

For more information about the topic, deadlines, and guidelines, please
visit the following website:


Stephanie Carlson
Claudia Roebers
Loren Marulis
Igor Bascandziev

*Igor Bascandziev   / Bash-chan-gee-ef /*
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