[CogSci] Data and Stimuli Inquiry for Published and Unpublished Studies on Context Effects

Cai, Xiaohong cai14 at iu.edu
Fri Dec 1 13:06:23 PST 2023

Dear colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis focused on context effects, specifically examining the attraction, similarity, compromise effects and their reversed effects. Our goal is to conduct the analysis using individual-level data from both published and unpublished studies.

In our initial search and inquiries for datasets, we collected 50 datasets. We are aware of a larger list of papers that have empirically investigated context effects. We have compiled a list of those papers and their corresponding individual-level data availability for us, accessible via the file: [https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/xlsx_16x16.png] CE paper list.xlsx<https://indiana-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/cai14_iu_edu/EU8nQe5AvDZJghPiZLRK4iYBZeOKevfznxvTUfBfXVpe4g?e=WY942P>

We are reaching out to inquire if you have data for any of the listed studies, or if you have been involved in a study on context effects (published or unpublished) that is not included in our list. Your contribution in sharing this data would be immensely valuable to our analysis.

Our focus is towards studies that meet the following criteria:

  1.  Empirical investigations of the context effects (attraction, similarity, compromise effects, and their reversed effects).

  2.  Participants were neurotypical<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurodiversity#Term> human adults.

  3.  Participants made individual choices.

  4.  Participants were required to choose only one option from a choice set; they did not have the option to abstain from choosing or to delay their choice.

  5.  A choice set included no more than three options.

To facilitate data analysis, please include:

  1.  Individual responses and stimuli for each trial. If available, we would also be interested in the response times.

  2.  Sometimes we have found that when participants chose a decoy/distractor option, the data was not reported. If you have this data, please include this data as well.

  3.  A data catalog.

  4.  If the study was published, then please

     *   Provide the citation

     *   Provide a PDF of the publication

  5.  If the study was unpublished, then please

     *   Tell us how we should cite your work

     *   Provide a writ up to help us understand your study – e.g. a manuscript, brief description, or tech report.

If you are willing to contribute your datasets, please submit them via the following link: data submission link<https://iu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Epr8uFcRfZu3NI>. We are aiming to collect all data by January 15th, 2024.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Xiaohong Cai at cai14 at iu.edu.  Your participation and contribution is invaluable to the advancement of context effects research. Thank you for your support in advance!

Best regards,

Xiaohong Cai

Tim Pleskac

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