[CogSci] Theory and Practice of Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: A Hybrid JASP Workshop (29 & 30 August)

Eric-Jan bayescourse at gmail.com
Mon May 30 06:24:01 PDT 2022

The workshop provides a theoretical background on Bayesian statistics and demonstrates applications in the open source JASP program.

JASP Workshop (https://gmail.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71406b44e064c2160a2ab6570&id=84d933d934&e=4d3772eb89)

** Theory and Practice of Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: A Hybrid JASP Workshop


** August 29–30, 2022

The JASP Team is excited to announce that registration (https://gmail.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71406b44e064c2160a2ab6570&id=3db4060f21&e=4d3772eb89) for our annual two-day hybrid Amsterdam workshop is now open. The workshop will be happening both on-site and via Zoom and it takes place on August 29–30, 2022. Below is a summary of the program. For more information on program and fees visit the workshop website: https://gmail.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71406b44e064c2160a2ab6570&id=5b3508a92f&e=4d3772eb89

** Event Description

In this two-day workshop, plenary lectures provide the theoretical background of Bayesian statistics and Bayesian hypothesis testing; in addition, practical exercises demonstrate how the JASP program is applied to a wide range of common statistical scenarios. This workshop provides an appreciation for the theoretical foundations that underlie Bayesian hypothesis testing, but its main goal is to teach participants the practical skills needed in order to execute and report Bayesian analyses for the models that form the bread-and-butter of statistical inference: t-tests, correlations, regression, ANOVA, and contingency tables. Additionally, we will discuss new features, including Bayesian model averaging for linear regression (based on Merlise Clyde’s BAS package in R) and our Bayesian A/B test.

** Target Audience

This workshop will provide attendees with a friendly, gentle introduction to the theory behind Bayesian hypothesis testing and is therefore suited for everyone new to Bayesian inference. The possibilities of practical Bayesian hypothesis testing using JASP will be illustrated with concrete examples. At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to carry out statistical analyses in JASP, interpret the output, and report the results. Our examples are general and the proposed methodology applies across the empirical disciplines (e.g., psychology, sociology, biology, economics).

** Details

For more information visit the workshop website:

Register (https://gmail.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71406b44e064c2160a2ab6570&id=5c0cb89df8&e=4d3772eb89)

Workshop Fees
(PhD) student: 150 Euro
Faculty: 250 Euro
Other: 450 Euro

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