[CogSci] Georgetown University postdoc positions in Neuroscience of Language

Elissa Newport eln10 at georgetown.edu
Thu Jul 21 11:01:17 PDT 2022

_*Georgetown UniversityNeuroscience of Language training program*_

Georgetown University’s newNeuroscience of Language T32 training 
programis seeking
postdoctoral fellows.The Neuroscience of Language program provides 
trainingin thebrain basis
of language, as well assensory, motor, and cognitive systemsas they 
pertain to language and
communication.Georgetown hasa number offaculty focused on Neuroscience 
of Language
research, ranging from basic work on 
auditoryorlanguageprocessing(spoken,signed, and written
language)to clinical trials in adults and children withbrain injuries 
with Georgetown’s highly regarded Linguistics Department, as well as 
Children’s National Hospital
and MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital,provide us with access to 
additional faculty and
research populations andfurther enrich the training environment.

Individuals with doctoral degrees from any field related to Neuroscience 
of Language
(Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Linguistics,Psychology,Communication 
Disorders, etc.)are
encouraged to apply. Fellows will be supported for two years and 
willdevelopan individualized
trainingplan to provideexpertiseacross disciplines important to 
Neuroscience of Language
research. Fellows will take coursework as needed andwillparticipate in a 
regular journal club and
seminar series, clinical experiences,community engagement activities, 
and professional
development activities, in addition to conducting research in the 
neuroscience of language. The
overallgoal of the program is to develop well-rounded scientists who 
have a broad perspective on
basic and clinical Neuroscience of Language.

Fellows will work with one or more of the following investigators:Drs. 
Thomas Coate, Guinevere
Eden, Rhonda Friedman, William Gaillard, Anna Greenwald, Xiong Jiang, 
Elissa Newport, Josef
Rauschecker, Max Riesenhuber, EllaStriem-Amit, Ted Supalla, Peter 
Turkeltaub, and Michael
Ullman.Collaborations among our faculty are common and a strength of our 

Appointments are funded at standard NIH NRSA stipend rates, with an 
initial one-year term to be
renewed for an additional year if fellows meet the program requirements.

U.S. citizens or permanent residents whocurrentlyhold adoctoral degreeor 
will have met all
doctoral program requirements beforestarting the programare eligible to 
apply. Individuals from
groups recognized to be underrepresented in the sciencesare encouraged 
to apply.

Please submit the following application materials via theapplication form.
•Personal statement describingcareer goals, prior research, goals for 
postdoctoral training,
andlab(s) of interest(3 pages)
•Names and contact information for threereferences
•Writing sample (manuscript or dissertation)

ContactDr.PeterTurkeltaub (peter.turkeltaub at georgetown.edu) with any 
questionsabout the
program or eligibility.Contact 
RachelGalginaitis(rg1171 at georgetown.edu)with questions about
theapplication process.
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