[CogSci] disseminating a very large questionnaire study

Zlatomira Ilchovska z_ilchovska at abv.bg
Wed May 5 09:46:41 PDT 2021

  Dear All,

    I'd like to disseminate a message for an online questionnaire validation research for a  very large sample 
of UK-based participants who speak 2 languages.

In return for your time, you'd be offered to enter  
into a draw for   £10   Amazon vouchers.
  The study is an extension to my PhD project (on cognition and language), and y  ou will be asked to complete a set of two questionnaires about your language background and behaviours (approximately 25 mins).
  Here is a link to our lab and what we do:
   - Speaking fluently or highly proficiently English and another spoken language - either of the two could be your native language, or even both
  - Currently living in the UK
  - Not speaking or using a third language (apart from basic level)
  - Aged between 18 and 30, and right-handed
  - Normal or corrected to normal sight, and normal hearing
  - No neurological or psychiatric condition, no major head concussion with loss of consciousness, and no speech disorder   
LINK TO STUDY:     https://bham.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cSitMbEaF0eIZKK     
     To learn more or for questions:    Please contact me  
at    zxi820 at student.bham.ac.uk   .  
    Thank you and best wishes,

    Zlati Ilchovska
PhD Researcher in Psychology
University of Birmingham
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