[CogSci] Fw: Call for papers: BCCCD21

Laura Schlingloff and Rácz, Péter | BCCCD 2021 Chairs bcccd at outlook.com
Fri Sep 4 08:50:08 PDT 2020

-- Apologies for cross-postings --

Dear Colleagues

The Cognitive Development Center at ​CEU is pleased to announce the 11th annual BCCCD meeting to take place ONLINE, 4-8 January, 2021. We welcome submissions from all areas related to cognitive development. Our invited speakers are Laura Schulz (MIT) and Giorgio Vallortigara (University of Trento).

The deadline for all submissions is 8 October 2020.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out on 31 October 2020.

You can find detailed information at www.bcccd.org.


Since the online format will be new to both organisers and presenters, we made a short FAQ, which you can also watch as a video here<http://youtu.be/nsDV6aCSkH4>.

Will the BCCCD conference take place entirely online?

Yes. No official events will be scheduled in Budapest, Vienna, or elsewhere.
Is the format of submissions going to be the same as in previous years?
Not quite. If you’d like to present at the conference, we ask you to submit a max 250-word abstract before 8 October, as in previous years.

Once you get accepted, the presentation format WILL be different. We won’t have 90 minute blocks of 15 minute talks. We won’t have posters either. Instead, we will have a single presentation type, called presentation. A presentation consists of two parts:
  (i) one five-minute video in which you sum up the work/results/arguments/proposals. Imagine this as the elevator pitch you do when someone approaches your poster at the conference! Feel free to spruce up your video with on-screen text, images, animations, and so on. Subtitles are especially welcome.
  (ii) further information in any non-video format. This can be a standard poster PDF, however, we welcome alternative formats. To help with this, we will provide some templates to presenters ahead of time. Other than that, we encourage creativity -- build a website, include animations, link to your stimuli, the paper, or your personal site.

We also invite suggestions for discussion sessions. These are similar to symposia but the participants don’t give talks; rather, they discuss an idea (theory, method, controversy) relevant to cognitive development. You can submit a proposal for a discussion session by specifying its topic (it can also be a paper) and you can also suggest panel members. A discussion session has a 5 minute introduction, followed by 5 minute contribution from each of the 3-5 panel members, which is then concluded by a live discussion moderated by the proposer.

How will you schedule the presentations?

Registered participants can upload their presentations from early January, and others will be able to access them throughout the month. We will schedule real-time conference slots where our participants can talk to each other. We will make sure there aren’t too many presentations in the same slot so that you can check out all the presentations you are interested in and everyone can talk to everyone else.

Each presentation will be assigned to two 90-minute-long time slots, depending on the presenter’s geo-location. We will make sure that each presenter can meet all registered participants real-time, whether they are in London, San Francisco, Delhi, or Tokyo. The plenary presentations (invited talks, discussion sessions) will be streamed live to all participants.
Where will you schedule the presentations?

We will host the conference on a platform that allows for structured asynchronous discussions as well as video conferencing. Each presentation will have its own chat room, with the video and further information pinned in the room. Additionally, there will be thematically focused discussion rooms and opportunities for virtual socializing.

This looks really complicated. Why did you do it like this?

The pandemic situation looks prohibitive for international conferences in the foreseeable future, especially for our overseas visitors. This precludes an in-person conference. We think we should benefit from the online format to create a more flexible conference experience where attendees can mix and match what they want to see. At the same time, we wanted to have specific times where people are there together in the spirit of BCCCD, even if only virtually.

How much will this cost?

A lot less, since you don’t have to fly, dine out, or pay for accommodation. We will also offer considerably reduced registration fees which will give you access to the conference communication channels, the pointers to the recordings, and the detailed programme brochure. The fee will be 40EUR for full-paying participants and 30EUR for students.

If I submit data this year, can I submit the same data next year at the, hopefully, in-person conference?

We will not filter or monitor submissions for this in any way.

I still have some questions!

That’s totally understandable. Feel free to contact the chairs at bcccd at outlook.com<mailto:bcccd at outlook.com>.

Take care everyone

Laura Schlingloff & Péter Rácz (the conference chairs)
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